Command line arguments

Command details

We saw earlier that a simulation is started using the following command line:

java -jar archimed-phys.jar config.yml

The java -jar archimed-phys.jar part of the command just tells Java to execute the archimed.jar file, and the second one (config.yml) is an argument used to give the path to the configuration file to ARCHIMED-φ.

But more options are also available from ARCHIMED-φ.

To get all the options from ARCHIMED-φ, you can consult the help by running it without any argument:

java -jar archimed-phys.jar

It will return something as follow (depending on the version):

[INFO ] 2020-06-16 16:59:53.747 [main] ArchimedMain - build time 2020-06-16T13:30:26+0200
[INFO ] 2020-06-16 16:59:53.749 [main] ArchimedMain - commit b7a83300256fc3cfc98b1f7088ae613600a61398 on branch wavebands
[INFO ] 2020-06-16 16:59:53.749 [main] CommandLineOptions - parsing options
usage: archimed <property file> [-d] [--exclude-objectid-output <arg>] [-h] [--meteo-substep-v1] [--meteo-sunpos-v1] [--no-area-ratio] [--no-meteo-overlap-check] [--no-reduced-pixtable] [--no-upperhit-pixtable] [-p] [--prop <arg>] [--scattering-end-method <arg>]

Light interception and photosynthesis on 3D plant models

-d,--debug                        debug mode
   --exclude-objectid-output <arg>exclude given object id from file outputs
-h,--help                         print detailed help
   --meteo-substep-v1             meteo step subdivision method V1
   --meteo-sunpos-v1              meteo step sun positioning method V1
   --no-area-ratio                disable area ratio correction
   --no-meteo-overlap-check       disable meteo time steps overlapping checking
   --no-reduced-pixtable          do not use 'reduced' pixel table
   --no-upperhit-pixtable         do not use 'upper hit' pixel table
-p,--parallel                     enable parallel computations
   --prop <arg>                   define/override configuration property, eg. --prop file=xxx
   --scattering-end-method <arg>  scattering iteration ending method (0,1,2)```

You can run ARCHIMED-φ with any of these options enabled, but at the moment it is best not digging into much details about this. We will see those details later in the documentation for power users.