Run a simulation

Open a terminal

  • For windows users: right click inside the folder while holding the shift key, and click on “open Powershell”. It will open a Powershell prompt in the right folder. Then you can execute the command given above;
  • For Mac users, press command + spacebar from the folder;
  • For Linux users, well, you know already.


Open a terminal as presented before and run the following command:

java -jar archimed-phys.jar config.yml

And that’s it ! You ran an ARCHIMED-φ simulation ! Note that it can take a minute to finish.

Command details

The java -jar archimed-phys.jar part of the command just tells Java to execute the archimed-phys.jar file. If your ARCHIMED-φ .jar file is named differently, please name it properly, e.g.:

java -jar archimed_custom_name.jar config.yml

The last argument (config.yml) is used by ARCHIMED-φ itself. It is the path to the configuration file for the simulation. If you’re executing ARCHIMED-φ from a folder and the simulation files are in another, you can use this argument as a relative or absolute path, e.g.:

java -jar archimed-phys.jar C:/users/yourusername/test/config.yml

The argument can also be quoted, e.g. "./test/config.yml" when there are spaces in the path.